
How To Install A Pressure Baby Gate

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Baby safety gates help protect your child from staircases and other unsafe spaces. They can also assist you corral your baby or toddler into a safe room where yous tin can keep an center on them. Most baby gates are either hardware-mounted or pressure-mounted. Since different models require different installation, it'southward important to read and follow the manufacturers' instructions closely.

  1. ane

    Put upwards gates before your baby starts crawling. Virtually babies brainstorm itch when they are between 7 to x months, so experts recommend installing infant gates when your child is about half dozen months old. Since babies develop skills at different rates, keep an center out for when your child starts experimenting with crawling to determine if yous need to put gates up sooner.[1]

    • This may seem a bit early, merely it's better to exist over prepared: most babies progress from small-scale movements to fast crawling fairly quickly.[two]
    • Some babies skip the crawling stage and become direct to walking. If this happens with your child, you may be able to await until they are 8-12 months onetime earlier you demand to install gates.[3]
  2. 2

    Remove the baby gate when yous child can get around it. Baby gates are generally prophylactic and necessary for children between 6 months and two years onetime. However, every state of affairs is unique since children develop skills at different rates. When your kid is able to climb over the rubber gate or has figured out how to open it, you should remove it and teach them how to safely navigate that area of your house. Otherwise, the gate tin create its own falling, climbing, and tripping hazards.[iv]

    • Larger or stronger children may outgrow their babe gates sooner.[5]
    • If you still need to use a baby gate for a younger sibling, attempt to teach your older children how to open and close the gate themselves. Any adults in the house should go through the gates properly (rather than stepping over them) to help teach by example.[half-dozen]


  3. 3

    Cull a hardware-mounted model for the meridian of a staircase. Hardware mounted gates, besides called permanent gates, are screwed into the wall or doorway on either side of the gate. Although they have more effort to install, they are far more stable than pressure-mounted gates, which tin can be easily jarred loose with a hard push button. To forbid your infant from taking a unsafe spill down the stairs, always use a hardware-mounted gate in this hazardous location.[seven]

    • Falls from stairs are the leading cause of emergency department visits for children nether the age of two, so it's very of import to place hardware-mounted gates at the top of any staircase in your habitation.[8]
  4. 4

    Use pressure-mounted gates in less hazardous locations. Pressure-mounted gates are held in place across an opening by the pressure they exert against the door frame or walls. These gates are less secure than hardware-mounted gates and are therefore best for areas where falling isn't a major concern, such as in a doorway between two areas with same-level flooring. You should also install force per unit area-mounted gates at the bottoms of staircases to preclude children from climbing upwardly the stairs so falling back down.[9]

    • For case, you may want to apply a pressure-mounted gate to block off the pantry or kitchen, keeping your kid away from hazardous foods or choking hazards.[10]
    • Yous tin also use pressure-mounted gates to carve up your baby from any pets in your home until they're more comfortable together.[xi]
    • Practice not place pressure-mounted gates at the tiptop of the stairs. They tin can become dislodged, allowing your kid to fall downward the stairs. The bar at the bottom of these gates can also serve as a tripping hazard for adults.[12]
  5. 5

    Observe a gate that meets electric current safety standards. If possible, buy a new gate that has been certified by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Clan (JPMA). If you have a used gate, make sure it meets current safety standards by checking product recalls from the U.Due south. Consumer Product Safety Committee: https://world wide[thirteen]

    • Avoid using older accordion-mode gates with diamond or V-shaped openings wider than ane.5 inches (3.viii cm). These are not considered to be safe because a baby's artillery or neck could become trapped in the open spaces.[14]
    • Use a gate meant specifically for children. Do not reuse gates intended for pets.[xv]


  1. i

    Measure the opening to ensure your gate volition fit. Use a tape measure to effigy out the length of the open you lot promise to block with the gate. About gates will fit into a standard doorway, only you may need to exercise a chip more excavation to detect the right model for wider or narrower spaces.

    • If you're installing your gate at the top of a staircase, make sure to measure at least 6 inches (15 cm) back from the edge of the summit stair. This is where you'll want to identify the gate.[16]
  2. 2

    Locate a stud or wooden door frame to support the gate. For maximum stability, you should attach the gate'south mounting hardware onto the solid wood of a door frame or, if the opening doesn't have a wood door frame, through the drywall and plaster into the wood framing of the wall. Manufacturers usually supply plastic plugs to screw the baby gate into the drywall itself, but most experts agree they aren't strong plenty on their own. Instead, use a stud finder to locate the wood framing (stud) behind the drywall.[17]

    • Do not install hardware onto round or uneven banister posts. This can cause your gate to be unstable or difficult to open and close.[18]
    • If there is no wall stud located where you want to identify the gate, build a frame past mounting a piece of wood vertically on each side of the gate. Attach the frame to the drywall using a toggle bolt (also known as a butterfly ballast) or a wooden stairwell postal service.[nineteen]
  3. 3

    Screw the mounts or hinges on the wall. Once you've located a sturdy place to hang the gate, apply a screwdriver or drill to attach the wall mounts. The exact course of the mounts will depend on the type of gate you purchase: if the gate hinges from one side rather than opening with a door in the center, you will install hinges on 1 side of the frame. Either way, the baby gate should come with the appropriate mounting hardware.[20]

    • Use screws that are long enough to extend through the hardware, drywall, and into the wall stud for maximum stability. Sometimes the screws that come with gates are not long plenty, and then yous may need to replace them with your ain supplies.[21]
    • The lesser wall mount or hinge should be no more than three inches (7.half dozen cm) from the flooring. Installing it whatever higher will create a gamble for your baby to get trapped information technology if they endeavour to crawl underneath.[22]
    • Install the mounts and then that the gate volition swing open over the floor, non over the steps.[23]
  4. iv

    Assemble the body of the baby gate. Some babe gates will come fully assembled, but others may require you to put a few pieces together yourself. Since this assembly varies widely depending on the blazon of gate (plastic vs. fabric vs. forest, for example), exist sure to follow the manufacturers' instructions closely.[24]

  5. five

    Hang the assembled baby gate onto the wall mounts. For most models, you will simply slide the body of the baby gate (the part that actually blocks the opening) downwardly into the wall mounts. Others may need to exist clipped or screwed in.[25] Read the manufacturers' instructions to ensure you are properly attaching the gate to the wall mounts or hinges.

  6. 6

    Exam the gate by pushing and pulling on it repeatedly. Your baby gate should be able to withstand frequent opening and endmost, as well every bit hard pushes or pulls from your child. If the gate wobbles or appears unsteady every bit you test it, try tightening the screws attaching the wall mounts.[26]

    • Watch the wall mounts as you test the gate: if they seem like they're pulling out, you lot may need to get longer screws that can drill deeper into the studs.[27]


  1. 1

    Measure out the opening where you'd similar to place the gate. Basic pressure-mounted gates fit spaces betwixt 26 inches (66 cm) and 38 inches (97 cm). However, certain manufacturers brand models to fit openings up to 62 inches (160 cm). Make certain to measure the space you'd like to block off and purchase the appropriately sized gate.[28]

    • If you have a particularly long area to gate off, expect for models with optional extensions or panels that yous can purchase separately.[29]
  2. ii

    Extend the gate to fit the infinite. Some force per unit area-mounted gates, especially those with a door in the center, volition extend to come across the walls using a small cups on each corner of the gate. To install these models, place the gate into the opening and spin the bolts to extend the wall cups to meet the door frame or wall. Y'all'll be able to tell that the gate is correctly fitted when there is no gap between the frame and the handle of the door.[xxx]

    • Some pressure-mounted baby gates have two sliding panels that yous can adjust to make the gate fit the opening (you'll remove the panels or slide them to the side to walk through). Pull the panels away from one another until they extend to fill the entire doorway or wall space. The force per unit area of the panels confronting the walls or door frame should hold the gate upright.[31]
    • Other gates may extend in dissimilar ways. Brand certain to follow the manufacturers' instructions and call the manufacturer straight if you accept any questions or concerns.[32]
    • The bottom of the gate should exist no more than 3 inches (7.6 cm) from the floor to prevent trapping hazards.[33]
  3. three

    Lock the gate into identify using the pressure level bar if your model has one. The pressure bar serves as a locking mechanism to hold the gate in identify. To use it, simply printing the pressure level bar down towards the basis until it is entirely straight.[34]

    • When yous install the gate, make certain that the pressure bar is located on the side of the gate away from the kid so that your child tin can't employ it to climb upwards and over the gate.[35]
    • Not all pressure-mounted baby gates will have an additional bar or locking machinery to secure them into the space. Those that attach using wall cups volition be secure without one thanks to the nut and commodities extensions.[36]
  4. 4

    Test the gate repeatedly by pushing and pulling on it. Pressure level-mounted gates are not as stable as hardware-mounted gates so they tin't hold upwards to the same amount of force. Nevertheless, they should still be able to withstand some pushing. If information technology's easy to knock the gate over, effort lifting the locking mechanism and extending the panels and then they residuum more than snugly against the walls or door frame.[37]

    • Once the gate is installed, check it regularly to brand sure it remains stable.


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    How do I start on the baby gate?

    Community Answer

    The first matter to do is to measure out the altitude between the walls or areas where the gate will exist. After that, you many want to search online for which gate may all-time physically accommodate your home. Be certain to check ratings on the gates before making a final choice.

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  • If you're having problem installing your hardware- or force per unit area-mounted baby gate, call a professional person. Fifty-fifty if you can't beget to pay a child-rubber expert to do the chore themselves, they will likely be willing to give complimentary advice on how to properly put up the gate.[38]

  • If y'all take baseboards on the wall where yous're trying to put upwardly the gate, add a spacer (a minor block of wood) the same thickness as the baseboard between the drywall and the top of the gate.[39]

  • When traveling with your child, a portable force per unit area-mounted gate can be an easy manner to make a hotel room or relative'southward home safer for your kids.[40]


  • Although gates can be helpful in keeping your child safe, no gate is a substitute for human supervision.[41]


Things You'll Need

  • Hardware-mounted baby gates
  • Tape measure
  • Screwdriver
  • Power drill (optional)
  • Pressure level-mounted baby gates
  • Record measure

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